Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Programming for non-fiction Lyrics

Programming for non-fiction (Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou OP)
Programming for non-fiction (よくわかる現代魔法オープニングテーマ)

Artist: Natsuko Aso
歌手: 麻生夏子

Writer: Saori Kodama
作詞: こだまさおり

Composer/Arranger: Peijun
作曲・編曲: ぺーじゅん


今、広がる世界はnot fantasy

This day of my dreams is my non-fiction,
a clear attraction.
Right now, this unfolding world is not a fantasy.
New code dances,
hoping to become a program in the future.

ログの樹海 経験の羅列

The log's tree, a list of experiences,
is more than a calculated answer.
Beyond the prism's squall,
I want to capture this premonition.

運命だけじゃ (self navigation)
待ちきれないから (self education)
描いた分だけ 思いを確信に変えて

Fate alone is self-navigation,
since I can't wait anymore, self-education.
The described part alone changes my feelings into confidence.

今、広がる世界はnot fantasy

This day of my dreams is my non-fiction,
a refined inevitability.
Right now, this unfolding world is not a fantasy.
Let's wait for the true brilliance;
I'll program in my own style.


I don't want to decide on my capacity,
I can't enjoy cowardice.
In neutral, I overreach myself slightly,
skipping over my heart.

揺れてる未来 (good vibration)
ぬり替えた理想 (good sensation)
成長していく わたしも夢も現実も

This shuddering future is a good vibration,
these repainted ideals, a good sensation.
I'll continue to grow, myself, my dreams, and my reality.

叶えた今日はいつかのpromise day
今、広がる世界はso bright way

This day that I've been granted is some day's promised day;
everything starts here!
Right now, this unfolding world is so bright of a way.
I'll walk through the continued aspirations
that are always the prologue of tomorrow.

ずっとあたためていた 幼い決意が
正しいやり方で 真実へ誘ってくれるから

All along, I was warming to childish decisions, but
because you invite me to the truth
with the correct way of doing things...
Just one and only one...
Just one and only one...

運命なんて (self navigation)
おざなりみたいで (self education)
描いて動いた 想いはかけがえないエナジー

Things like fate, self-navigation,
since it appears to be careless, self-education.
Drawn out, changed, these feelings are an irreplaceable energy.

今、広がる世界はnot fantasy

This day of my dreams is my non-fiction,
a refined inevitability.
Right now, this unfolding world is not a fantasy.
Let’s wait for the real brilliance;
and in my own style,
even the image of a miracle can be created,
hoping to become a program in the future.

Translation Project: Japanese Songs

I did say that I wanted to practice my Japanese. Well, over the summer I’m planning to try translating all sorts of different Japanese stuff, just for the sake of practice. Of course, if I don’t show these translations to anyone, I won’t know if I make a mistake. Thus, I’ll just post them on this blog, showing them to everyone on the Internet.


I’ve always had a soft spot for the theme songs that most TV shows have. When I was in middle school, my parents sometimes watched a show called JAG, and the only thing I remember about that show was the quick little tune that served as its theme song. The same goes today for anime opening and ending themes. From really well-known songs such as Moonlight Densetsu or Hare Hare Yukai to lesser-known songs like LEVEL5 -judgelight- and Programming for non-fiction, I almost always like anime theme songs.

僕はいつもテレビの番組のテーマが好きだった。中学生の時、僕の父と母は「JAG」と言う番組を時々見た。僕はその番組のテーマだけ覚える。今日もアニメのテーマが大好きだ。ムーンライト伝説や晴れ晴れ愉快やLEVEL5 -judgelight- Programming for non-fiction、人気の歌や人気じゃない歌、僕はたいていアニメの歌が好きだ。

I also like singing. So, when I started listening to Japanese music, I started putting the lyrics in romaji, so that I could read them. Back then, in my first year of college, it would take hours on end to draw all of the unfamiliar kanji on a Nintendo DS kanji dictionary that I had; now, I know more about kanji and can look up unfamiliar ones more quickly.


Anyway, now that I need to practice my Japanese, simply writing the lyrics in romaji isn’t enough. I want to know if I can actually translate, if I can express the meaning of a Japanese song in English. That’s what I’m trying to do with this little project of mine.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hello, everyone! My name is Shawn, although generally I go by Counterpower here on the Internet. I’ve just finished my sophomore year at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, and I’m majoring in history and East Asian Studies.


I like to watch anime and play video games first and foremost. In fact, I started a blog to talk about the things I’ve learned from my chosen forms of entertainment, back around when I was graduating from high school. That said, just because I like anime and video games doesn’t mean I’m lazy or anything. I also like running (I used to do cross-country in high school...), I took a fencing class last semester, and I’d kind of like to learn more about kendo while I’m over in Japan.


Oh right. Why I started this blog in the first place. Yeah, I won’t be on Brandeis campus for my junior year. Rather, I’ll be studying abroad in Kyoto, Japan. And yes, I am very excited. Usually people want the school year to be over… I want summer to be over so I can go to Japan already.


And so I started a new blog. I thought it would be a good idea to chronicle my year abroad. I plan to post about the things I do, the places I visit, the people I meet… pretty much anything.


Of course, with three months to go before I leave, why am I starting this now? Well, one… I’m bored. I need to find a summer job, so that I can have money while I’m in Japan, but I haven’t even started to look yet.


Two, I can still talk about my summer, and practice my Japanese while I’m at it. After all, I do plan on trying to post to this blog in English and Japanese, as you might have noticed by now. If I make any mistakes, I would really appreciate it if someone could let me know... as much as I hate being told that I made a mistake, I hate making the same mistake twice even more. And if anything seems weird… it’s probably because I haven’t learned the word or phrase in question.


I’m looking forward to the upcoming year!
